30 January 2014


i am back! we arrived back in the glorious (and hot!) australia wednesday! our trip was eye opening and amazing. it was one of the greatest experiences of my life (and i hope i get more!). i feel like however, i need to process this trip, i mean three weeks is a very long time. so it might take me a few days to write a blog on this trip!

unfortunately i have not had time to download my camera photos, however, my iphone was with me for every day and i was able to take some snaps, which i put on instagram! (luckily i didn't put every photo on intsagram - i think i took over 400!)

love, georgie x

p.s. Vietnam was amazing, but i am very glad to be home.

5 January 2014


i hope that everyone had a merry christmas (yes, i'm late in saying that) and a happy new year (yes, late on that one as well)! here are some snippets of the day. it was such a lovely day, i cannot wait for this years ;). a few things happened, i celebrated my 19th birthday and one of my best friends and cousin is going to live with my family - i cannot write how excited i am about this! and one other thing, i'm going to Vietnam tomorrow!

love, georgie x
p.s. i won’t be back till next month. if i knew the words for ‘see you soon’ in Vietnamese, I’d write it!