27 June 2013


couple of days ago i finished my final exam at university for semester one, and i had two things on mind my mind: 1. the lyrics, "beer goggles, if she's a hag" - don't ask me why this was in my head, but i have been obsessing over the lonely island; and 2. what if i failed this exam, or worse, my whole course? now, the latter i am kind of exaggerating on, the fail the whole course thing, but i was freaking out (and singing the lyrics). it got me thinking, why am i so stressed of failing this thing, yet i don't stress on other failings? i mean, i don't care if someone beats me on the exam, and mostly i am happy for them - unless they gloat to others, then i just don't have time them. 

but in all seriousness, how many times has someone failed their academic paper, or even a relationship, and still get back up and start again? i was reading a blog of an old teacher, and he talked about how he has failed his phd proposal, but didn't just give up, he embraced his 'failings' and is trying again! that is something i want to have, and something that i want to tell my students one day. well, the results won't come out for weeks, so i am going to enjoy the five week break, by spending time with family, friends and hopefully sleeping in!

these are some cute little photos that i have taken throughout the week and felt they needed to be seen. i've been hanging out with my sister a lot because she broke her elbow and needs help to bathe and hold little edie. 

^^^this photo makes me laugh. william was in the kitchen and all i heard was "help me", so i naturally grabbed my phone and took a picture of him stuck, whilst reading on the ipad. it is fair to say he wasn't that bothered being in the chair. and edie, bless her little soul. she is always doing funny faces, and i always seem to catch them...here comes the 21st pictures ;-).^^^

 ^^^whilst hanging out with edie pie, we get to dress her in all types of cute outfits. she is like a doll that actually moves and talks. it is so fun, and she doesn't even complain when i put ridiculous hats on her or too big shoes.^^^ 
^^^so sweet. nini and will.^^^
love, georgie x

17 June 2013


part 2 of the 'what's been happening in my life'.

^^^as i said before, my sister let us stay with her for a while, whilst our water was being fixed. they recently moved and bought their house as a new married couple with a little babe, and they have made it such a home. i am jealous how my sister, lauren, can take something ordinary and make it beautiful. she reminds me of my close friend, max, who always does that and always looks so darn cool! lauren has a gift, and i hope she passes it on to her children. these are just some of the things i love about her house.^^^

^^^whilst we were there oma had her birthday party (i think she turned 80 something-ish, but she didn't look a day over 21 ;-) ), and whilst i don't have photos on my camera, i was able to capture the pretty table that we set up for it. the flowers worked very nice, something from maddy and i as a 'thank you for letting us crash here for a while and use your water' - they didn't have a card for it! oma was a lovely woman, and kept saying; "the next time i see you girls will be for your engagement." i smiled, laughed and nodded when she said it, but it isn't happening anytime soon, oma!^^^

^^^a thursday also passed, so i got to hang out with these awesome guys. william tolerates edie. he will get her a book, and let her hold it for 2 seconds, then take it off her and tell her to "share" - pot calling the kettle black, really. he also believes she it "too heavy" for him and will pick her up, in order to drop her. oh, you can just feel the love. i hope, however, that they become close friends, just like my cousins and i are!^^^

^^^one of my closest friends had a birthday, so we celebrated in true teenage style. (this is how i believe these pictures go). 1. smile. wow, that was a nice photo. 2. lets try again. shit, that didn't work. 3. stuff it, funny face.^^^ 

love, georgie x

16 June 2013


i have definitely been slack lately towards my little itty bitty blog lately. and i have many excuses - many! like, when my water stopped working for two weeks at my house, that's right, two weeks. so i had to move to my sister's house for that time (i'm not complaining, love my sissy and her husband for taking care of us!), and she unfortunately doesn't have internet coverage where she lives. and - i know, another excuse - i have been through my first ever university exams! which are still going (i finish on thursday - alleluia!), so i call that dedication, or procrastination for doing the blog now, i'm just sayin'.

so, life has been crazy for the past couple of weeks, but i'll show you a little bit of what's been happening and hopefully (if anyone is reading) will forgive my tardiness! it’s in parts because i (and my sister, maddy) take way too many photos, and so many things happen.

  ^^^ it was thursday. so of course these cuties were over and they make the funniest faces to the camera, it just cracks me up! edie can sit up now, but not for long! and nate has his first tooth – argh!^^^

^^^ i go to mother’s group with my sister, and it is so much fun. now, i know what you’re thinking; georgie, you aren’t a mum. well, yes, that is true. but i have a uterus so i am counting it! the littlies just “play” with each other and eat toys, and poo. well, mostly i just sing and dance and they laugh or cry – depending on the day. though, i feel honoured to be included, so thank you mothers.^^^

love, georgie x

12 June 2013


i have a new nephew! his name is lachlan david, and speaking from a completely objective point of view, he is so darn cute! he is very tall (taking after his mum and dad!), and weighed 4.1 kg - what a big boy! mum, dad and babe are doing great, and my sister is absolute in ore of him. he is her first, but i don't think her last! though i don't know why he is named lachie - maybe because it is the cutest name, ever - 'david' is after my step-father, which is absolutely adorable! congrats to my sister, i am so happy for her, and cannot wait to see him grow up, and become a great man.

 ^^^edie is at the stage where everything that is in her reach, must go in her mouth, including little lachie!^^^

love, georgie x