27 February 2014


this blog was supposed to be posted on the weekend. pretend it was posted on the weekend. thank you.

maddy keeps on technology abusing me, and sending me tweets about how i don't use this a lot. but, what am i supposed to write?! "today i was vomited on by my 14 month old nephew and it was exorcist style" or "i love cooking meals, but i'm too poor to buy pretty food and cook it, so i buy pre ravioli shells"?! i mean, i don't think so. but i'm clearly doing the boring thing, and writing this little tiny blog so that maddy will get off my back, and the blog-stoppers (i made that up) don't shut me down. 

uni starts this coming monday. i'm not ready. i have a lot of decisions to make.
my dad and fambam are up from melbourne to celebrate our brother's 10th birthday party, crazy. 
one of my favourite cousins has moved in. i love it.
i have blonde hair.

i’m watching one born every minute and the mum-to-be says: “i wish we bonked (look it up if you don’t know the word) last night because we won’t be doing that for a while. the dad-to-be said: “well, not with you”. gold. 

god, this physically hurts to write ;-).

love, georgie x

P.S. i just like these photos. we are such a photographic family ;-).

17 February 2014


Vietnam was an amazing experience. As a young adult I believe that we should be able to explore the world, however, that should be mixed in with an education. I am fortunate enough to have loving parents, who for the past couple years have been saving up for this trip. They did not have to take us, but they did, and I am so grateful for the worldly knowledge of a country so different from Australia. We, which included my twin sister, my mum and step-dad, travelled from South to North Vietnam for three weeks. We also stopped at Singapore for a couple of days before our real travels began. I loved Vietnam. The people are so kind and the country is beautiful. However, the traffic was scary, the thought of guys on motorbikes do not appeal to me anymore and I am now a boss at chopsticks. Here are some photos, and I have been given severe instructions that some photos were taken by Maddy.

love, georgie x