31 July 2013


there are an adorable amount of photos that need to be seen. maddy always seems to be taking photos and is surprisingly good at it ;-), and well i kind of suck at it, or forget about - like when people take photos of food, i usually eat it first, then be like "s***, that would of been a pretty picture, meh." and the pictures are out of order, but i'm trying to not be so crazy at making everything neat and tidy. you need a little craziness in your life. so, thanks maddy for the photos,  you are my second favourite sis ;-).

 ^^^how cute are these two? maddy and i try to go to mass every sunday, and after, we visit our sister. it just so happened that they were at the park and we got to play with the little kids, which included lauren's niece and nephews. another excuse is that the bakery sells vegetarian vietnamese rolls, and they are amazing! we clearly love them so much because when we walked in, she started our order!^^^

^^^lachie's face, a classic. i love catching babies funny faces, because you need them for their 18th and 21st birthdays - am i right?! i also painted my aunty's bathroom ceiling, whilst juggling looking after little nate whilst his parents were out! how adorable is that smile! he is so cute, and crawling now - it is freaking me out how fast they grow!^^^ 

 ^^^my best friend sarrah and i went  out with other girlfriends to a little club/pub/whatever-you-call-eating-drinking-and-dancing-place. it was fun, however, what is it with music these days?! like, why would i want to dance to a song called 'bubble-butt', i think not. my step-dad turned 60 recently and we had a huge family gathering! the food was amazing, just look at it - mum, you are truly amazing!^^^

^^^look at these guys, so photogenic. this is what happens on long car trips, as well as trying to keep them awake so they don't sleep in the car and ruin the schedule - kids!^^^

love, georgie x

p.s. just a happy birthday to my mum (15th july) and my step-dad, davie (16th july). i love you guys, and no one could ask for better people to care for them, and to love them, too.

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