12 May 2014


happy mother's day (for yesterday)! hope everyone had a lovely day! here the sun was shinning, the birds were singing and a lot of mummies were laughing. we had a small, little brunch at my sister's house, where we ate the most amazing pancakes and eggs (i'm thinking of the food now, again should of taken some leftovers ;-) ). as you all know, i am not a mum, nor will i be in the near future (remember guys, i'm only 19!), however, i love watching my mum doing her mum things, and watching my older sister's become these awesome mums, too. all of my older sister's have children and i love how the littles are becoming like their mummies (my mum keeps on telling lauren that edie is exactly like her, and william is as cheeky as/is julia). 
women are so amazing. the things they do for their children (we all had to watch that video in year 8 about the naked woman giving birth in a bath tub?! please tell me you did, it used to give me nightmares!), women are just awesome, and when i have a few (again, read above) i want to be like my mum, sisters and even my sweet, sweet nana. love you guys.
on another note, the baby shower that i went to on saturday was super adorable (the soon to be mum was the new bride a couple of weeks back, photos here and here). the food was amazing and hannah looked absolutely beautiful! we played the baby games (like the gummy bears and what size is her belly), but the best bit about these gatherings is that you get to hang out with your family. we are such a close family that i don't know what i would do if i one day packed my bags and lived in another country! congrats hannah on the soon to be arrival of your baby boy, he is going to be a stunner!
and i also played netball and won 33-13.

last years mother's day!

 ^^^edie is starting to speak! so when you say a word she says it! we started staying ‘ready, set, go’ and she would say the 'go' part!^^^
 ^^^me and my cute nana. i love her to bits. i love her even more when she says things like “girlfriend” and “awesome”.^^^
 ^^^now you can see what I’m talking about. the food. and it was breakfast, so even better!^^^

love, georgie x

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