30 May 2014


sorry that i have been m.i.a. lately. i have either been too lazy, too tired or have just forgotten about this little baby. though my family would disagree, because everyday i have been sent messages that i have to put a new post up - or else (thanks, fam)! life has been a little bit crazy lately. work is very entertaining, and i have moved up (not in rank!) but in my confidence and self-esteem! i feel that if you are shy person, work in the hospitality industry! it is daunting at first, but everyday i talk to new people and ask them just mundane questions, either about their family or how they feel today! it is so much fun and i am kind of loving it (though, ask me in a few months time!).

 nothing super exciting has happened in my little life. lauren is still pregnant, edie is now a little parrot - which is awesome! i am teaching her to say: "nana di di sounds like me me me"!little nate seems to always be in the walls and will is super crazy and loves to push boundaries! lachie is pretty much a walker (at a crazy young age). my cousin's baby is ready to come any day now - that is so exciting, even if i still remember him as a 15 year-old kid!

uni is going well. i am not going that great, but i did get my first hd for this semester this week, which is pretty exciting! i also went on a harbour cruise for an end of semester celebration, and it was a fantastic night (i say this now, but walking at 3am with heels in the city is a big no no - ladies, you have been warned!). i am a little bit obesseed with HAIM - Don't Save Me, it is so funky - and yes, i am about two years late for this, ha ha! also, Eddie Boyd and the Phatapillars - they are kind of awesome (i'm loving the song 'Bad Timing' - they filmed this video in their car! these couple of weeks have been like a blur, but luckily someone thought to put cameras in phones! bless their brains! so, this has been happening, according to my little phoney!
  ^^^ so scary. there is a bad story with this, but i'll leave you with - petrol + fire = no one wins. everyone is safe, but a very scary moment. and the kind of happy thing is that this pile has been over a decade in the making! now it is just ash!^^^ 

love, georgie x

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