15 June 2014


before i wrote this bog, my "beautiful" (you'll understand the rabbit ears soon) cousin came into my room and asked when i had finished my exams. i said, last friday. she then slapped me in the face and told me "so, it's been nearly a week and you haven't written a blog post?!" (you can see now why i used the rabbit ears to describe my cousin). i tried to blame maddy (she needed to send me photos), i blamed it on being busy at my primary school and even cleaning of the house! but honestly, i am not an exciting person. most days i just do what working people do, and then i work at night or i come home and watch lame t.v., like s.u.v and then i go to bed. i mean, who wants to read a blog post where i write, "today, i actually made my bed!"? no one. and why would i want to bore people with that?! i feel bad, but you know that saying; quality over quantity - i feel like that could be my motto ;).
so, the 411 on my life - a lot of everythings with nothing really to write. for example, i have started my prac (my first completed week). it is the same class that i have been observing and and doing mini lessons! i love my class, though i am really nervous because i will be observed and marked on how i teach. other things such as my house will have a 'for sale' sign this coming saturday! it is sad because i have lived in this house since i was a toddler, where i could fit underneath the kitchen bench! obviously, now i am too big, but clearly not to big to stay in this house! again, nothing really. but, hopefully my life will become fun. i'll do fun things that nineteen year olds should do! until that time comes, get used to really boring post about really boring things. i'm not cool, but like you need to be told about that. 

^^^i just love food. maddy had the french toast at the coffee club (seriously, so good) and i got eggs benedict (these are the best eggs. and their sauce - i don't know how they do it!). we were also there with our nana, sister lauren (whom is still pregnant!) and my cousin, jemma! jemma is also in the picture where we are laughing! i bought her a book of love, and the page reads 'when i put my arm around you, sometimes it's to rest my arm'. the funny thing was, i was doing just that! ha ha!^^^

love, georgie x

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